Jennifer Nevarez
Jennifer Nevarez
Sometimes I think moms exaggerate a little, and I'm just like yea Ok when in my head I'm like 🤔 there is no possible way LoL 😆

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My favorite is when women say their NEWBORN baby is sleeping through the night, with out any interruptions. 😂 #girlbye
30.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
My cousins daughter walked at 6/7 months but only because from 3 months on she was in a walker because my cousins crippled mom watched her while she and her husband worked and she couldn't carry her down the hall so it was more a survival thing and hey didn't tell anyone because one people would t believe it and two the reason why she was walking was kind of sucky I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes lol but I know many moms exaggerate lol but because my oldest who is now 14 hit all her milestones from teeth to walking and talking by 8/9months I was very happy my baby is moving at a much slower rate but still on mark everybody wants to believe their child is extraordinary and they are to US 😂☺️
29.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I just said yes and went along with it cuz I didn't want her feeling bad lol
29.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Haha yea that is doubtful! My girl could roll at 3 months but she didn't crawl til 5 months, and that was commando crawl...hands and knees at 6 months! Maybe she could babble mamamama but I certainly don't think she was "crawling" lol
29.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
29.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
My kids always walk after 1 but yes I heard a friend who's daughter is 4 months as well say she was crawling around her house saying mama and I'm like wow my daughter grunts and makes noises but never said mama my daughter can't even flip to her stomach yet lol
29.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Like with milestones and growth? I see that a lot, my own sister in law claimed my nephew walked at 8 months old and after my girl took her first independent step (not holding onto anything) at 8.5 months and later started doing it more at 10 months on her own, she finally admitted that he didn't let go of things to walk until like a week after his 1st birthday LOL like okay, you didn't have to make it a competition I was just curious at the time because I thought after they took the first step, they would walk but that's not always the case, my girl took her time getting used to it and still at 11 months crawls more than walks lol
29.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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