some bitch who I thought was a close friend, criticized me and belittled me for having stretch marks being almost 38 WEEKS PREGNANT! so I sent her this snap(: I am beautiful!(:❤
lol I've had athletes foot since I was littleandsince I've been pregnant it's actually gotten better for me lol just at every check up, ask your doctor about it and the symptoms.@bodaciousb6,
@wttwot, I didn't even know. it's hard to know if it's celiac or what not. And apparently, althetes foot can be a symptom. of pregnancy.. I have had it three times this pregnancy :( oh boy. I'm going to be so paranoid.
not scary at all girl. yours look like flames!(: mine look like tiger slashes haha that must be hard. just make sure that if your whole body starts itching uncontrollably, go straight to the hospital. there is a thing called itching disease and they would have to do an emergancy c Section right away. my friend had it and her baby almost died.
@wttwot, , yeah.. I get that a lot. I have celiac disease and so I have the rash from that & the stretch marks... I have like on and off days off itchiness & I found that honest lotion does wonders from soothing both rash & stretch marks. they don't always look that scary tho!