Mummies do you have a bedtime routine or just go with the flow. My LO sleeps longer day time 4 hours at a time and has 5oz. When it comes to around 9 10ish pm she sleeps 1/2 to 2 hours at a time and has 2oz. 😒😑😔I'm exhausted any suggestions
7.7 лет

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I woke mine for feeds during the day even if I knew she wasn't hungry just to get the recommended amount down her during the day also I'd make her sleep in the living room in her Moses basket where there was noise then cot at night so she started to know the difference. I hope you find a routine that works for you so your not so exhausted x

7.7 лет Нравится Ответить



I woke mine for feeds during the day even if I knew she wasn't hungry just to get the recommended amount down her during the day also I'd make her sleep in the living room in her Moses basket where there was noise then cot at night so she started to know the difference. I hope you find a routine that works for you so your not so exhausted x

7.7 лет Нравится Ответить

Dylan always used to be wide awake after a bath but now I bath about 8, bottle straight after and sleeping by 10 and sleeps until atleast 6 xxxx

7.7 лет Нравится Ответить

We do bath bottle and bed between 6 and 7 every night and sticking to that has really helped. Gradually my little girl just started missing out feeds and last night slept from 7pm - 6am. We found that when we stared putting her down upstairs (still in our room) and putting on the baby monitors she slept much better. Good luck it's awful having broken sleep xx

7.7 лет Нравится Ответить

Them to do something they don't want I meant*

7.7 лет Нравится Ответить

It's so hard to try get him to do something they don't want to even more so when they so little! It's the broken sleep i find the hardest during the day I'm ok but when I wake up every 2 hours sometimes less sometimes more with him im so tired I've fallen asleep feeding him and woke. Up hours later with him still on me 🙈😩 I'm even more tired as I breastfeed exclusively in the night time so to solely me feeding and I'm shattered xx

7.7 лет Нравится Ответить

@baby316, no she wakes up herself around every 2 3hours. @holliesinead sigh I tried settling her around 6pm bath relax have a bottle and bed. That only worked for a few days now she sleeps from 5til 9. I try bath her around that time but then she's wide awake now I just bath her when we wake up. 😓😓

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During day I go with the flow and let him sleep as much or little as he wants but around 6 we start settling down sometimes with a bottle then bath and white noise around 7/8 with his creams so he used to the smell and knows it's bedtime coming up then he has a 5oz bottle and I breastfeed him after and he's usually down by 9 latest and then sleeps until 1ish then after that he's up every 2 hours for a feed until the early morning then me and him usually sleep until 10/11 it's hard to get them into a routine that's why i just try keep evenings the same as possible so as he gets older he'll get used to it but the day time I don't mind as every day is different and were out and about etc xx

7.7 лет Нравится Ответить

Do you wake her during the night to feed her? If so maybe leave her until she wakes up herself therefore she was start getting into a pattern of sleeping longer therefore giving you more sleep too xx

7.7 лет Нравится Ответить

@baby316, I just let her sleep when she wants to really. @sara-lou she's 7 weeks. Her dad wakes her up for the 10pm feed and back to sleep.

7.7 лет Нравится Ответить

How old is your lo? I was quite laid back with my 1st especially the 1st 6months or so. The only thing I did do is wake him for feeds during the day as he would sleep for hours & hours. I'm not sure if thats something people would recommend you to do, but it worked for me 😊 I never woke him at night time. I didn't really start a bedtime routine until he was a bit older, maybe 7/8months. He naturally fell into a routine.

7.7 лет Нравится Ответить

I just go with the flow as I find routines tiring as they don't always work. That's my personal experience anyway. What do you do for your little one at the moment? Xx

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