I literally cant not take the crying anymore ! She cries everytime she goes to sleep rather its nursing, rocking , bouncing, a car ride its just completely annoying 😤
poor thing. we all know this too well. these kids are something else. my son is finally starting to sleep through the night again without wanting to party all night
Thank you guys for the support i had a rough night and been at school allday but i know shes not sick she just fights her sleep almost everytime hopefully she stops soon ! @iamliyaah @gorgeoushar @madilynn16 @amaresmama @hellosweetie @leonelsmom.
4 month sleep regression/growth spurt?? I've been there mama, I promise you got this and you will get through it! I suggest downloading the Wonder Weeks app and entering in her original due date, it's pretty accurate in showing you where they are at in their development and fussy/happy stages!!! Saved my sanity when we were around 4-5 months and I could see that it was gonna end and when approximately I would notice a change 😩😤
My daughter cries a lot but it is usually because she has gas. The gas hurts her stomach and every time she passes gas while she is awake she cries.@leiibaaaby,