I have a quick question... I went and took a nap earlier... When I woke up I was on my back... when I realized it I immediately went to my side.. Ever since I haven't felt the baby move but maybe once and this was at 2pm.. Should I be worried??
Thank you all... Hes moving a little more now.. I ate a lot, drank something sweet and am laying down.. I think he's ok now.. just not feeling him as active as he normally is, is scary..
I wouldn't worry either I just read on another site a L&D nurse answered a similar question and she said it's ok your body will wake up when it needs to turn and since u woke I'm sure ur fine drink or eat something
ok... good.. I'm over here all worried.. this makes me feel better.. thanks @jessicarose0602 ...
25.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'd say no. I did this pretty often when I was pregnant and sometimes there would randomly be a couple days here and there where I'd feel little to no movement. don't stress, I'm sure everything is okay. speak with your doctor if you are unsure but it's normal for u to have some days like this.
I'm not worried as far as labor wise... I am worried bc this baby is VERY active, and hasn't been since before my nap... I have 3 kids, but was never even able to lay on my back.. lol... I have been trying all day to get him to move.. ugh
Don't be worried! I wake up on my back all the time. Plus you're still kinda early to worried about movement. You don't start keeping track til 28 weeks. I'm sure everything is fine. Doctors say you're body will usually shift positions if you're on back before any harm is done.