Omg! So it is basterial conjunctivitis?? They don't usually give antibiotics for viral, it's like a cold it runs its course in about 10 to 14 days ...I am so sorry mama!!! Definitely keep a close eye on your reaction and someone near you until you know for sure these next antibiotics aren't going to give you a bad reaction....but I would for sure at least try, because if it requires antibiotics breastmilk may not get rid of it fast enough to avoid further spread or possible complications....keep us updated 😔
It's really sensitive to the sun and I had a allergenic reaction to the first antibiotics so it's swollen shut and I'm scared to put the new ones in. They gave me it's so irritated!@hellosweetie
Yes, no antibiotics at all just washed it with wet, warm wash cloths and dropped breastmilk in there 3 or more times a day and a week later there is no trace of it in my eyes, they aren't even red at all!!! The cold stuck around unfortunately but at least I don't have pink eye anymore lol do you have any cold-like symptoms with it? If so it is likely viral and that goes away without treatment in about 10 days to 2 weeks usually
It's was great! I went parasailing, swim mm with dolphins and snorkeling! It's sooooo hot there!@kjw21413 @stormygirl I was on the big Island so actual Hawaii.
Ohmygosh I feel better now LMAO sorry, not at your expense but I just had pinkeye cuz of this stupid ass lizard hubby caught and kept lol it started about a week ago, and my eyes are better now! I got a nasty cold from it though cuz it was viral, and I'm still sick....tell ya what though, I dropped breastmilk in my eyes at least 3 times a day and it went away faster than the doctor said it would! She was surprised when on day 3 I was already improving when usually day 4 is the worst day 😉 (viral conjunctivitis is like a cold, they rarely give antibiotics unless there are complications, usually it will run its course and go away on its own)