You got this mama, if you have good days already just keep in mind it will get better as time moves on and he gets better at latching! Good job btw, that is a challenge most moms don't have to deal with right away!
no the doctors thought she had something in her mouth. they asked my sister if she wanted to get them pulled out too but she said no. he will be fine they will fall off like regular baby teeth..
@hellosweetie I'm trying different things. ☺ sometimes it's easy and doesn't hurt, other times, I'm flinching the whole time while trying to reposition him. 😭
yes when she was born the doctor thought she had swallowed something it was her two bottom teeth. it was pretty cute to see a newborn with teeth.. they fell off regular as her baby teeth would.
Once baby gets his latch down good, it shouldn't hurt if they are on the bottom because a correct latch means his tongue will be covering those teeth while latched, good luck mama! Oh boy teeth that young must be rough!!!