I'm so sorry girl, I didn't know. now I feel so bad ugh. I can't imagine what you're going through, but just remember ; everything happens for a reason. the reason I believe people lose babies is because they were to beautiful for the world. maybe he/she wasn't going to be able to live in this world. maybe it could have been sick, or have some kind of health issue so instead of him or her suffering God took them before they had to. keep your head up high & smile. smile because your baby is in a better place. @grayce1219
@savvylynn1, you're fine...yeah I lost it on Sunday. I haven't passed the gestational sac yet...but I'm bleeding a lot. I've been losing more blood than tissue. I'm an emotional wreck right now
aww I understand I woke trying take the IVs out I didn't want to be there sending lots of baby dust oo I saw this on anthor site an I wish I had done it but if the baby is still there or even if its not this couple planted a tree so they could see it grow like a memorial thing