Jessica Alvarado
Jessica Alvarado
i just put my almost 3 year old step daughter in time out because she has peed in her panties and all over the floor twice today when she KNOWS to go in the toilet. and she has a really bad rash down there so its not like i can put a diaper or pull up on her. it will get worse and so she is crying and crying and i told her she is in time out and she yells at me saying "NO IM GOOD! IM NOT IN TIME OUT!" all i did was turn the tv off and put her in her room she is still able to play with her toys.. and she still cries and throws a fit.. i dont get it.

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she's acting out cause she isn't use to being punished
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
She is just upset girl don't pay her no mind as long as she stays in the room ...@mjll_alvarado,
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
she gets this rash alot from her diapers. and dr says to do what im doing. and the rash has nothing to do with how she is functioning with her using the toilet. she knows when she has to go. she isnt used to getting in trouble she is used to getting her way. she had no disapline until she came to out house for a while. my husband and his ex wife share custody of her and its my husbands time with her now so we are inforving displine so she doesnt think she can get away with anything she wants. and no we dont spank her or anything like that. @brazenmommy
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
The rash could be making it harder to control her functions. Instead of punishing her for possibly just being in pain, take her to the doctor.
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
If she's anything like my 3 year old, her feelings are just hurt lol
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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