I have a couple questions that maybe you ladies could help with:

1. My munchkin has been grinding her teeth a lot lately, and the sound is driving me absolutely crazy! Any suggestions to get her to stop with using the Paci?

2. Any suggestions to get baby girl to drink milk? She absolutely HATES milk (except in her eggs) and the doctor seems to think she needs to drink more milk and no bottles now that she is one....which brings me to my final question.

3. Any suggestions on how to get her off the bottle? She has anywhere from 4-5 6oz bottles, and I was told she should have been down to one or two 4oz bottles by 9 months.

*Note: my daughter is 12 months old.*

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I mean clearly, she's just a baby @mc.squared
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
My thoughts exactly @bianca_rose . Especially because, as I mentioned it's not their fault they do it. Its just underdeveloped jaw muscles.
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mc.squared way sounds a lot better
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Smack her mouth for grinding her teeth??
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Sorry, @alainalovesmommy ...I just tagged all that commented.
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
help what my child doesn't grind her teeth ? @mc.squared
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I can help! This is a problem for many kids with developmental delays. Not saying your child has this, but there are ways to correct it. They do it because they're trying to stimulate their jaw muscles! So, you can sit them in your lap, and massage their jaws! It helps! Also, offering an alternative when this behavior occurs. Like, a teething ring or paci. Or even snacks like chewy things. All they need to fix it is muscle stimulation...hope this helps y'all :) @alainalovesmommy @br00k3 @ciaramarie @kns625
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I have the same problem with my son and his bottle and I've tried so many different sippys he just won't drink his milk from one! And for grinding teeth he use to do that as well and I noticed one we ignored that he was doing it he has stopped grinding(took two -three days and yes drove me crazy) but now he never does!(:
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I personally would just lightly smack her mouth. Not hard but enough for her to learn not to do it. & I don't have any advice for the milk/sippy cup since I haven't dealt with it yet other than 6 years ago when I just took the bottles away
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
@ciaramarie, my daughter grinds her teeth during the day; if she doesn't have a paci in her mouth, she's grinding her teeth. I've tried different types of milk (1%, 2%, whole, skim), I've even tried warming it up...but she still is refusing it. She will even drink from a sippy all day as long it's juice (flavored water or actual juice) in it; but come nap time, 7pm, bedtime, and the middle of the night if she does not get a bottle she is PISSED!
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
1. That's normal. I talked to my sons dentist about him doing it. She said it's very normal for children to grind their teeth when sleeping but if they do it when they are awake you need to correct it. Not much you can do if they do it in their sleep :( 2. Have you tried doing half formula/half real milk? Or maybe ask about giving her pediasure? Not sure if I spelled that right! 3. For my son I just threw out his bottles & gave sippy cups. But they make them so differently now. I'm trying to switch my 10 month old and it's so hard! 6 years ago the sippy cups resembled the bottle enough that it was fairly easy switching! My niece took bottles until she was like 3. Just keep trying different sippy cups. (And by what your dr is saying I think I need to go throw out some bottles!! Lol)
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I can't get my daughter off of formula or bottles either I've tried , she had a freak out she would drink a little cows milk but then go back to formula she's 13 almost 14 months
13.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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