Makayla Magee
Makayla Magee
Okay so the last couple days I have had bad pressure and pain in my hips like I can hardly stand up or walk without it hurting. But last night I rolled over in bed and had really bad sharp pains in my hips and now the pain and pressure is worse in my hips. I'm not having contractions or anything though so I don't know if its ever worth calling the doctor. But it is terrible I can't even lay in bed and roll over without being in bad pain or get up out of bed or a chair. I just don't remember having pain or pressure like this with Braxton.

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Ugh I've been having this since I was 27 weeks 😩 I'll be 33 weeks Friday. Two weeks ago they did a vaginally swab to see if I would go into labor in the next two weeks, I passed. But they checked me when they did it and I was 1.5cm that was at 29 weeks
12.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Same with me!! I have an appointment on Thursday though and he's checking for dilation so hopefully there's some since I'm 36 weeks!
12.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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