my bf gave me a promise ring back when i was pregnant & hes been workin real hard to keep all them (drinking & hanging wit all his ex friends - bad influences, thugs & overall bad ppl who dont care about their babymommas or families) recently hes started to smoke cigerattes which i hate. i made him promise he wouldnt be a habit only when we go to the casino (yuu can smoke inside so sometimes i smoke too lol) today he was outside kicken it with his friend & i went out to ask him something & he had a ciggeratte in his hand. he got alarmed when i went out i think he knew. i came back inside & took the ring off
agh i am NOT gunna wear a ring that means shit if hes not keeping his promises. he came in asap & said it wasnt his cig that his friend passed it to him... idk if to believe that?
do people even pass cigerettes? i thought that was just blunts? what would yuu ladies think?