So I had my baby girl at 38 weeks 3 days. She is two days old now and I'm trying to breastfeed and bottle feed. Iv been doing both so far when she goes to the breast she latches on but barely sucks any advice
So I tried breastfeeding a minute ago she latched on and did perfect this time she didn't eat long cause I did feed her a little bit before but after sucking for awhile she latched on and did good @wiccanmommy
Well she is so small and she isn't getting a lot so the nurse told me to supplement me @wiccanmommy so I'm going to do more breast though I let her latch on and suck for as long as she wants and then if I think she need more i give her a bottle because my acctual milk isn't in
why are you doing both? babies learn that a bottle is easier, they have to work harder at the breast.. the best advice I can give is to stop the bottle and work on the breast only until she gets the hang of it.