Amanda Fikes
Amanda Fikes
Real talk. I know I will hear some comments from both sides and I'm okay with that. I'm okay with negativity. I just want to know how/why you feel the way you do. I'm a breastfeeding mom. I am 100% for breastfeeding. However I also know it makes a lot of people uncomfortable. What makes you uncomfortable about it? When I nurse I'm COMPLETELY covered unless I am at home. It makes me uncomfortable to see another woman, not covered, nursing her child. I'm also uncomfortable when a woman is covered but feeding an older child. The longest I have nursed is 15 months. What is too old in your opinions?

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@amandafikes, no. I've heard of people continuing to nurse throughout pregnancy. I couldn't do it because I started feeling my uterus cramping and I started running out because I was only night nursing by the time.
09.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
My "Baby" the five year old was so noisy you could hear him a mile away 😂
09.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
The reason I brought this up is I was sitting in the doctors office and a lady rudely pointed out how "nasty" I was for nursing my son. Usually I don't nurse in the waiting room just incase a small child sees who has not been exposed to breastfeeding yet. However, after sitting in the waiting room for over an hour I had to feed my one month old baby. The woman was feeding her daughter a bottle. That's her choice and this is mine. I was curious what would make other women so uncomfortable that they feel they need to point out a woman is nursing. A child would have thought I was just hiding the baby under his blanket. My son is a champ. He latches perfect, he's quiet, and quick!
09.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mami2d, I also chose to self wean with my "last" one who is now five. He weaned himself at 15 months and I must say it was the saddest day of my life. 😂😂😂 My baby was growing up and didn't need me. I only nursed him at night time, before bed.
09.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
@imhermomduh, does being pregnant prevent you from nursing? My children were weaned before I got pregnant again.
09.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I choose to use a in cover public because a lot people are negative about it.
I choose to let my daughter self wean herself! She is 3 ½ yrs and we are still going strong!
09.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I believe in breastfeeding. I was able to go 15 months before I found out I was pregnant again. My daughter has never been sick or had an ear infection. I think me breastfeeding helped accomplished that even going over a year their are added benefits. Idk how long I would've nursed had I not gotten pregnant again. But I'm cool with anyone breastfeeding in public up the the age where a child can say "mom pull out your boob I'm thirsty" then it's a little awkward. I guess that would be around age 3. But to each their own. I'd never make the mother feel judged for doing it.
09.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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