Rant: i hate how my sister is like buy this buy that your bf needs to buy this and help you this. im like first off. my roommate bailed and moved out so i have no money this month for anything, she is married i am single and i have a disabled son and is hard as it is getting things done and clean especially when her 5 kids come over to eat and make a mess. just to say you are cleaning and doesnt look clean 😤. dont tell me my bf has to buy things when one he doesnt live with me, has his bills and father of the baby im pregnant with now. he has helped pay bills but he has his son to provide for before my 2 that arent his. just irratated!!!!
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@sarinunez, he does he i just dont like asking. and if she thinks i need something so bad then why doesnt she buy it? she doesnt complain when she has no food and i buy it 😒

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@sarinunez, he does he i just dont like asking. and if she thinks i need something so bad then why doesnt she buy it? she doesnt complain when she has no food and i buy it 😒

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I'm sure if he had the extra money he would help out more, it's really none of her business.

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