Lindsey Zastoupil
So, my LO and I are both lactose intolerant. Lately my asthma has become horrendous so my pulmonologist suggested I try a 4 week thing...removing wheat, dairy (done), soy, gluten, corn, and whey from my diet and substituting in coconut oil as well. Apparently the majority that have done this trial experience lessened asthmatic symptoms within 2 weeks of removing these inflammatory foods and some have even went back and done the testings after 2 months of not needing their usual breathing devices...and are declared asthma free. So I'm definitely trying this. I don't want to have Samira grow up without a mom being able to play physical games with her or her having to pick and choose through games to determine which are ones I can safely get involved in and which ones I can't. And if Samira ends up developing asthma later on, if this helps me than I'll definitely know how to help her better rather than just shoving an inhaler in her mouth, pills down her throat, a nebulizer mask on her face, and tubes in her veins.
7.8 лет

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