A little reminder: As it turns out, people on this app CAN be very, very rude and hateful.
I didn't get any hate at all for anything until now. Don't let your guard down completely.
Some people are stupid enough to stress out a pregnant woman to the point of tears.
Thank you for this. You know who you are. You should be ashamed. But thank you for opening my eyes.

Лучший комментарий


why don't you find a midwife to help you through pregnancy?
08.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Promise I wasn't trying be rude, but I would look into professional help. Just if you feel something ain't right seek help, I mean in throughout your pregnancy. Liks you have a weird feeling, feel free to ask me and I can help however. I don't know how bad your problem is, and sorry if I came off rude. Just worried.
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
it seems like you need some professional help and I'm not saying that in a bad way at all. everyone can use some talking to or just have someone listen to what's going on in your head. if you do have these phobias you need to seek some type of help! anything can happen at any given moment when your pregnant and if you have to be rushed to a hospital (god forbid!) I feel that would make your anxiety/PTSD even worse! I would really think about getting someone to talk to you and maybe it could really, really benfit you. you have a life in you and its time to think about someone other than yourself. time to be strong for your baby! I wish you nothing but a healthy pregnancy!
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Have you tried to get help?
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
youre gonna have to face your fears eventually. its not going to be easy and nobody is saying it will be but when you have the baby and youre in the hospital if you do go to the hospital they are going to have to check your cervix. there are so many complications you can experience from here till you give birth. all of us moms get it you have anxiety of going to the doctor but im sure some of us have also had things happen to us where we were afraid but had to overcome our fears for our children. we arent trying to make anyone upset, we are trying to get you to see that just because you think you don't need to go to the doctor doesn't mean everything is 100% okay. ive got chronic depression and i was afraid to tell my doctor and guess what when i did, he gave me a hug and told me everything is gonna be okay and ive had so much help and support within my dr office. theyre there to help you out not make you feel uncomfortable. but please please please for your baby you MUST at least go to see if your baby is okay. theres no excuse for not wanting to check on your child. you need to at least see someone. the doc can even give you anxiety medication, but you need to stay calm about the doctors because you can pass stress to your baby and that isnt healthy either.
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I didn't know it was because of phobia. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. But you could go to a different doctor. When I went to my first appointment I was already 18 weeks and they didn't do a vaginal exam just a sonogram. so maybe if you tried a different doctor that would be what happened. I understand what it's like to have anxiety. it's not an easy thing to overcome. we all just want you and your baby to be healthy!
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
@myramercado, 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
you asked for opinions and we are giving it to you . the fear and anxiety you have you gotta to face it like a big girl and move on. it's not your life anymore but the baby. people faces their fears daily . plp suffer from anxiety , ptds ,depression ect.. but that does not stop them . stop making excuses and just DO IT.
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
@gallyzephie8715 hunny its not all about a exam , they can take your urine sweetie .. or blood whatever makes you most comfortable
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
@gallyzephie8715, I'm done trynna help people out you do not make no sense at all u don't want to go to the dr. Because u don't want them to look in your vagina??????sweet heart they don't start doing that until the end of your pregnancy to see if u dilated do u check to see if u std free u don't get pap smears or anything?????im sorry but this don't make senses to me if u care about ya baby n u would do anything how about start with sucking it up n jest going to the dr. If I had to jump out the second floor window for my babies I will come on now....
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
if you called and told them your phobia, I'm positive they will make your experience as least stressful as possible. But just to check your blood pressure would be something. Maybe an old school ultrasound, tell them no vaginal, just to make sure there is nothing to be concerned about. I suffer from PTSD as well, I hate doing certain things but if I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO, I call in advance and explain my situation. My husband is terrified of Dentists, I still have him go and our doctor knows he is scared, he looks without anything in my husband's mouths and then tells him if it is necessary to look further in there. Doctors are very flexible and understanding.
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
it's your pregnancy and you're allowed to whatever you want, I was just saying that I could never imagine not going to the doctor to make sure everything is okay. but I'm also a worry wart. hopefully everything goes well with you and your little one. best of luck!
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mlgh92 @nmartin1 Why can't people just accept the fact that I cannot physically go to a doctor? I swear to god, I want to so badly. I want to be sure my baby is okay. I feel guilty, I hate myself for it every single day, but I can't. I have tried. Going to a doctor would put way too much stress on my baby because the only other option is having my partner try to hold me down while they do the exam, which Ive heard another mom has tried and she moved too much so they couldn't do the exam, even though they tried over and over. At this rate, my baby is safer when I don't try to get that exam done. Please just accept that I can't. I already feel bad enough about it, and I know the risks. I love my baby and I would do ANYTHING for them! It's just not possible without risking hurting them.
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
@kiaaaaj, if giving experiences and examples are being rude, I guess we need to get signed up. Lol
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
My friend went into cardiac arrest having her baby, if she hadn't have been going to the doctor, she would have died because they wouldn't have been prepared! Luckily she went to every appointment and they were prepared when they found her heart was weak and stressed from the pregnancy.
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mlgh92 @nmartin1 yes I didn't even come off rude in the beginning I was just concerned, thats all
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
@gallyzephie8715, really nobody trynna make u cry or make u feel bad we trynna help u realized that this is not a joke it's important to take care of yourself and especially your innocent unborn.🙏🙏🙏🙏 that u will finally go to a dr. N put aside your selfishness.its jest a dr. They will not be in ya vagina every appointment...there here to help....
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I feel like all the mommies on here are concerned for your baby. Nobody was trying to be mean but open your eyes and remind you that you're carrying a baby who needs a lot of special care and some times only a doctor can look and see what kind of special care the baby needs. I also look out for the mother, I don't want your health to be in danger. A lot of things could happen such as dehydration, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure...
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
hope you get help hunny
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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