Do babies gain weight when they start solids? They keep telling me to feed my almost 6 m old veggies and chicken but from what i know its not necessary.

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Food before 1 is just for fun! That's right! A breastfed baby especially can go longer without needing solids because breastmilk still provides what they need. Technically you could go a full year without solids if your baby is gaining well and iron levels are still good, but starting after 6 months is suggested to teach them because by 1 year of age a breastfed baby should be eating ariund 25% of their daily intake of solids and the rest breastmilk. It's just to teach the baby how to coordinate their hands to their mouth to eat, chew, and swallow different textures...that being said, I started with solids a little earlier than 6 months and stopped because she didn't seem ready, she liked it but didn't eat a lot. Around 7 months she started eating table food, whatever we ate she had some bites but that's it, just some bites here and there not really a meal. Even now she only eats when I eat, and she doesn't eat more than a few ounces at most, and her growth is great! I would definitely stick with baby led weaning and just follow your baby's cues, don't let anyone tell you your baby will grow better with more solids!
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
I have always learned food under 1 is just for fun.
06.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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