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Local appointment with no car available means a good workout for this momma!

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Fidella babysize flytai on the front with my 2 month old and Fidella Onbu on back with my 2 year old (plus an overfilled backpack diaper bag over my eldest). It was really hot today, so typically I'd put my oldest and the diaper bag in a wagon but our appointment was during nap time and my toddler tries to bust out of the buckles and climb out when she is tired and in the wagon (plus the wagon is a PITA when we have to go into places). We walked 3 miles, which is more than double what I typically do for tandem carries. I'm tired to say the least lol
05.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
That's amazing
05.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Double wear for the win!
05.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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