I have a cousin who's gf might be in labor right now and it reminds me of my two times giving birth. I was thinking about when I was checked in and the whole process after that and I haven't a clue what the timeline was like for both births. I'm always impressed when women can tell you a breakdown of the time and how long they spend in active labor, pushing, and etc... Shoot I remember the time it was when I was checked in and when I had the baby lol. I guess I can blame my family who was there because they should have kept track for me.

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Haha I remember what time it was when my water broke at home, what time it was when we check in (was 4cm dilated) and I remember when the urge to push set in, and when the nurse finally checked me (she didn't believe me for a while because she hadn't finished checking me in) she said it had been about an hour and I was already fully dilated. She was born at 4:32am, so by all that I can guess it was about 2 hours or so of active labor (from the time my water broke at 2am), and about a half hour of pushing lol but I wish I knew exactly all the details! I was too focused on my natural birth and breathing through the pain lol
05.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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