OK mamas, I know it's different got everyone with every pregnancy, but, this morning I lost my mucus plug. I'm tired, sore, and feel like I've been doing jumping jacks outside in 110° weather. With my daughter I didn't lose my mucus plug, and never felt contractions, but was in active labor for HOURS before my doctor stopped it the first time. Any advice on what I should do?

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my baby has been trying to come and due to my c section scar ripping my dr is worried about my son's safety and health. I haven't been doing jumping jacks, I FEEL like I have been. I've gone into labor multiple times. I'm high risk. and I'm defiantly NOT trying to have him come this early.
05.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Well your plug can come out any time during pregnancy and grow back. Also I'm not trying to be rude but unless your dr is trying to take baby this early you shouldn't be trying to have baby right now at 33wks. Your baby isn't quite ready and would more than likely have a NICU stay. And as for jumping jacks in that heat be careful you don't get dehydrated
05.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
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