so I have not posted in a while but here is my birth story for my baby boy zayden. so Sunday morning I woke up not being able to breath right i was dizzy and my eyes were puffy like I had been crying i was 39 weeks and 1 day. also that morning my car wouldn't start my mom was out of town and all our friends were busy and couldnt help. after an hour or two I called l an d because my breathing wasn't getting any better. they told me to come in and I was so stressed but I had one friend who was able to come and jump me so I drove to the hospital my blood pressure was pretty high 146/95 and they monitored me for a few hours at around 2pm the dr came in and said since my blood pressure hasn't changed that they wanted to induce me. so I ended up being induced at 3:30pm started with the balloon to help dialate me without pitocin then after the balloon fell out they started pitocin after an hour of being on pitocin I was at a 4cm dilated the doctor came in and broke my water at 10:30pm then at mid night I was 5cm they took my blood pressure and boom I was normal then a half hour later I was 6cm and at that point my Dr came in I told her she should stay because I was starting to feel alot of pressure silly but gross my son had the hiccups and I could feel them in my butt it was a weird feeling but anyway so after 28 minutes I was pushing my baby put my dr wasn't ready my nurse almost missed it and I pushed him out in one push He was 7lbs 11.5 oz 19 3/4inchs long and was born at 12:58am he is amazing since then my blood pressure stayed normal until 2 days ago it has spiked again I am now on meds to help keep it in normal range however my little man is doing amazing at breastfeeding and he is just a big sweetheart 💗 my babies are in love with their little brother and are very protective of him I couldnt ask for anything more