I was just reading that some babies lungs are not ready even at 40 weeks. when the baby breathes in your fluid it breathes it out along with a hormone that tells your body to go into labor. so if there is not enough of the hormone little one might not be ready. it's weird look it up
@yumiyukai, of course. I did an externship at an obgyn office since I'm a registered medical assistant so if you have any other questions message me any time & I'll try to answer them (:
@yumiyukai, yes! Just say well can we wait til I'm 41 or 42 weeks of theres no issues right now? She will be able to schedule it for a few weeks out even within the next few days.
@yumiyukai, if your doctor asks about induction you can say no. Unless there's an issue or reason behind it because then the baby could pass or you both could depending on what it is.
It's not bad but I believe there's a reason the baby isn't ready. I was induced at what we thought was 37 weeks because of bad preeclampsia but when we were admitted to the PICU at 18 days old, the nurses said that he was actually mostly like more at 35 weeks & wouldve only been 37 weeks when we were admitted. My next baby I hope I go full term, no issues & no induction before 40-42 weeks.