hiya ladies interested to know people's labour stories.
feel like my bodies getting ready for d day 😆 xxx

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I was induced at 40+12. I had a pessary inserted at 10.15am and my contractions started at about 11am but were very mild and irregular but they wanted to keep me in to monitor little madams movements because she kept going all quiet. By 5pm the contractions were very strong and about every minuet. I was examined and was told I was only 1cm. A few hours later I was in agony and they moved me from the induction bay to the labour ward so I could be given pethidine. I was still in agony so after a while they said I could have gas and air because I was 3cm. 20 minuets later my daughter was born! I went from 3cm to pushing her out in a matter of minuets! She was born at 12.27am and is now 5 days old xxx
27.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
iv been cramping on at off all evening feel like a inside of my belly is on fire.when tightings not too painful has yet. could it be the start of something or just braxton hicks? iv been induced 4 times so I javelin no idea of natrual labour xx
27.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
I started having contractions on a Sunday evening. Became more intense Monday onto Tuesday but my waters wouldn't break so they sent me home. Went in again Thursday as still having regular contractions they ended up having to break my waters & 6.5hrs later my son was born! 😊
27.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
i love birth stories...... 😆 sometimes i just feel like visiting labor ward just to have a sense of it. even though av done this thrice 😃😃😃
27.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
😊 ty honey and congratulations xx
27.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
My waters went Monday night at 1o.3o was told to go home dilate or go back after 24
Hours to be induced never dilated so went in and got induced at 12am Wednesday morning was 5cm@dilated at 5am then by 9am was fully dilated told to wait an hour and pushed for 4o mins and he was out by 1o.47am xx
27.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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