trigger warning
I feel like I need to write this down and share my experience. I lost twins at 13 weeks a few years ago but i didnt miscarry and i had to have a d&c. I didnt know what to expect when i started to miscarry this baby at 11 weeks this past Thursday. i did some research on what to expect and nothing prepared me for what happened. I called my doc and they set up a ultrasound for me early the next morning. I laid in bed cramping a lot and spotting a decent amount. I came to terms that i would pass this baby at home and my biggest concern was, what will i do with the baby after it passes? i couldnt possibly just flush him/her. Shortly after 9:30 i felt a pop and was instantly wet. I went to the bathroom and was wet. Did my water break? Does that happen at 11 weeks? Is this normal? Thats when the cramps turned into timable and painful contractions. A few short minutes after the pop i started bleeding heavily, too heavily. Then i needed to push. A lot of blood along with huge blood clots and the baby passed but the blood and clots wouldnt stop. Everything gets blurry from here. I passed out, my husband rushed me to the er. i was hooked up to monitors and ivs and given meds. A exam was done followed by a ultrasound and there was no trace of the baby. I remember everywhere i went i left a trail of blood. I was monitored for a little while longer and sent home. I dont remember any of going home but my husband said i made him pull over because i felt sick and i got out of the car and tried to pass out on the side of the road. He got me home and in bed and i didnt wake up until the next afternoon. Here i am its sunday morning and my bleeding is finally under control. Im going to attempt to get out of bed and get back to normalcy. Im not really sure what we do now. Whats next? My miscarriage didnt feel like a miscarriage at all i felt like i went into labor. My body went through all the motions of labor and nothing at all prepared me for this. No google searches told me my water might break, no one warned me that i would need to push. Im not looming for sympathy, i just really felt like i needed to write this down and share my experience. Maybe someone will find themselves in the same situation and my story can better prepare them for what to expect.
well I'm very sorry for your losses I too had a few miscarriages and that second one Felt like I was giving birth ! it hurt so damn bad never have I experienced pain like that ... but I do want to thank u for sharing