6 months is actually a very safe time to give Tylenol, they suggest it for fever for shots so it why not any other time they have a fever? I have given my girl Tylenol a handful of times, once after her 2 month shots and the other time when teething was bad and she had a fever of 101 and the runs. Just ring the doctor and ask for dosing based on weight and strip the baby down to diaper only, and use damp wash clothes as needed. I must also say that 100 isn't even considered a fever, so don't panic! I believe in an infant 101.5 or higher is considered to be a fever worthy of consulting the doctor, if I remember right!
give some tylonal(I always do about half the suggested dose to start) and put the baby in a Luke warm bath! It will bring the fever down quickly! when my baby was really sick and 103 fever it's what the drs suggested!!! My daughter cried the whole time and shivered so I sat in there with her and stroked her hair!
Try Tylenol maybe a cold rag on her head?! It's worth a try before you go to the hospital. If you take her to ER they will probably tell you the same thing😓