anyone ever have a clogged duct? my breast is red and hot in one spot. I don't have a fever so its not mastitis hopefully. just wondering if anyone has any suggestions .
I had that happen twice and it was the worst pain! Hurt for like 2 days. Every time it was ok to deal with, baby wanted to eat and that first suck made me cry every single time! Gently massage, warm compress, hot shower.... Have baby on as much as possible to get the clot out
If possible while nursing have the baby's chin hit where it's clogged, that should help loosen it up. If pumping rub the area while pumping. Hot compress 10 min before nursing or pumping. Also if the redness doesn't go away I would still get checked out. With my first I got double mastitis and had every symptom. With my second I got mastitis on one side and never had a fever with it at all