@airannamommy, @elismommy428 yeah he going back tomorrow morning and I am going to demand some answers. I don't know what else it could be besides a milk allergy or something. I really didn't want it to be this but it could be a lot worse.
yes you keep taking him, some doctors are so mean and their like, "you again? I already told you is this.." but you know your son better if you feel like something is not right, then it's not right
@airannamommy, @elismommy428 my son has not been eating his bottles and red butt from so much diarrhea and screams after he eats. He's been throwing up and spitting up twice as much. Took him to the doctor and was told it was a stomach bug now going back tomorrow again. He wakes every couple hours because he's hungry but then doesn't eat much at all. Do you think it's milk??
one of my little brothers was to formula, he had diarrhea, vomiting and belly hurt all the time, we didn't really know it was hurting but when we took him to the doctor Cuz he wasn't eating right and on top of that we was vomiting so much we started to worry, but then the doctors told us by the way he was crying he was allergic to the formula