I had hip pain with my son when i was pregnant with him in 2012 where my hips started to shift i think it's happening again with this pregnancy but worse when i more or pick my right leg up to start walking or turn over in bed i get this pain so bad that i feel like my hip is going to dislocate. My next appointment isnt for 2 weeks is this even anything they can do for me if i was to call the dr
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mine pops too.. you can lay flat and put a tennis ball under your hip... warm bubble baths help with dr.teals bubble bath they have some for aches and pains that helps me.. and mine does go out of socket and I have my so put it back in..

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mine pops too.. you can lay flat and put a tennis ball under your hip... warm bubble baths help with dr.teals bubble bath they have some for aches and pains that helps me.. and mine does go out of socket and I have my so put it back in..

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@kasieerin, i tried that it hurt worse it just kept popping

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I get this all the time and had it most of my pregnancy... it helps me to lay on the floor and stretch a little.. like put the leg that hurts in the air and make a big circle and switch directions and switch legs often.. mine is caused from my placenta being in the back of my uterus

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