okay so my midwife said that my son is ready and can come whenever he wants. My actual doctor won't check me for dilation until 39 weeks unless I complain about contractions (which I have and this bitch literally says "even though some people give birth at this time, it's a little early to have contractions" and wouldn't check me) so me and my SO have been having sex like crazy and I'm gonna pump a little tonight to see if that jump starts anything. It's rained for the last 3 days and after it stops raining it get way too humid to go walking (unless I wanna die), and I'm gonna bounce on the edge of my bed (not stand on it and bounce but bounce up and down on the edge like you would a yoga ball and see if that helps). Anything else I can do? Do NOT say castor oil because I will flip shit and I'm not about to eat 7 whole pineapple just in hopes of helping him make his way out. So any other suggestions? Sex positions or things I can do? (Side note: saving up for when he does come because my boyfriend will have a week off, so don't be sending me off to the store to buy some crazy off the wall expensive ass tea) lmao