Another Slimming World fan here; meal replacements etc are such short term things, waste of money in my opinion. As you can't do them forever and when you start eating those meals again you'll gain the weight back x
slimming world u can eat loads and not go without and still lose weight. its the only diet thats ever worked 4 me. i highly recommend slimming world. this is what ill be going back to once baby born @emily.and.phoebe xx
like I say if your dropping two meals a day you will obviously lose weight. just eat more healthily. if you have meal replacement drinks, when you stop them you will just gain weight when you start eating again coz your body will want to hold on to it.
yh it is, just wanted to know if people had tried it what their opinions were. don't wanna get something if people don't really recommend it. just need to get rid of my left over baby flab @tuftyturtle
if you replace meals with any drink you will lose weight. I'm assuming it's two drinks and one meal? if you done that you would lose weight coz your not eating lol