It's been 3 weeks since I gave birth to my baby girl Jasmine. She's been through so much a major surgery (her heart was on the right side, she only has 1 lung that is functional, all her organs had to be placed in their proper place, 4 blood transfusions, and so much more). She still have a way to go. Me and my husband haven't kissed, heard her cry, hugged her, feed her, changed a diaper, we haven't even seen our baby girl eyes open due to her being paralyzed and sedated 24 hours a day. But with God's grace and mercy our baby girl will recover normally and quickly. We just thank God she's still here🙌👣💖🎀💯
Thank you ladies so much @arivera64 @kaidens_mommy @rika25 @talbottgirl @thompsonofficial. It's been so hard, I cry all the time because as a mother it hurts not be able to help her. But by me having faith in God has help me get thru this. On top of that I miss my other 2 kids so much. But God will see us thru this. Thank you again ladies💖💖💖
Stay strong baby girl and get better soon. As a mother i can only begin to imagine the sadness you must feel. Hoping that she regains her strength and health quickly so you guys can enjoy her.