took me exactly one year after having my last miscarriage but after the first miscarrige it took me a year and six months what really helped me was I started using a ovulation app to track when I was ovulating I got pregnant two wks after useing that and tracking
before I give my answer let me say I was in an abusive relationship engaged lived together all that... four years, we tried on and off and I had two miscarriages that he didn't even care about. we broke up late febuary, my first love from high school and I have reunited in the beginning of March and have been together since. We are now pregnant on our first try, we used Ovia Fertility tracker which obviously was spot on. and presribed prenatals. that's all no lube, I ate whatever I want, just lots of fresh fruits for both. He's overweight I'm sure I'm not 100% as healthy as I should but were both in our early twenties then optimal baby making prime. Just don't give up hope... I almost did, and I cried to my boyfriend now(my baby's father) that I would never be able to have a baby or i was never meant to be a mother... (: its timing and I hate to say it.... fate. or if you believe in religion... it's God's way of saying not 'no' but 'not right now... your special child is being just created..'
me and my child's father had stopped talking for bout five months! soon as we got back together we had sex the whole weekend he was back (seriously) then the next thing I know I'm pregnant! so pretty much was rather quick! when you in your ovulation period have sex every day during that time! Come to find out I ovulated that Saturday of that weekend and we had sex from that Thursday til that Monday!