some women have infections and uti's without knowing it. you're suppose to pee and clean up the area as soon as possible. I never wait longer then 5 minutes really and that's only because my hubby is peeing right afterward and beats me to the bathroom lol
@mrslopez2016, lol I've done it ttc but I've learned that the sperm is already where it needs to be in seconds so holding your pee is pointless and can cause infections. Don't worry the sperm won't come out just the semens that help and protect the sperm until they are out in the right place and our fluid help guide the sperms to their destination ☺️ what helped me was having sex every day and night for two weeks (very frisky month lol) we didn't use any help but prayers and prenatal gummies to get my body prepared and boom two weeks later I got a positive
That is what I thought as well. I was just curious cause the last group I was in told every one to put their feet up and wait 15 to 20 mins after before peeing