I hate when he works late as it is then decides to go have a beer with a female coworker it's not like I'm the jealous type but shit he gets home so tired that we dont even get a five minute talk before he starts to fall asleep but she got thirty?? like wtf
I talked with him he apologized and he hasn't even brought her up since he's great at that I just have a hard time talking I guess it's from my ex he used to be very rude I just have to remember they aren't the same guy
agreed! @momtobeagain
I couldn't imagine joseph going out with a girl from work instead if coming home to me or coming to get me first. he doesn't even go out with guys without me if I'm off work. don't put up with that.. tell him how you feel.
I understand. but you guys definitely need to have a talk cause you are his woman and your feelings should be his priority. you are very valuable and you deserve the best.
I just don't have the guts to tell her no at this point I'm afraid of conflict just because I don't like it I might just deal she's only gonna be there for an hour so I'll just ignore her
omg. I don't understand how you have the patience. I think a man should go home to his woman after work. that's what mine always done in 4 years together. if we go out to drink we go out together.