okay so I have a few questions. I am 11 weeks and 2 days pregnant with my first child. I have two things that I am pondering over and I would like to know other mommies input. okay first question, up until now I havent really been interested in sex thus far in the pregnancy and now I want it all the time. I know, I know, TMI but I was just wondering is that normal? Another thing, sometimes I have period cramps and some of them are pretty intense and this morning i felt a few twinges of pain around my pelvic area. Is this normal? Sorry about the random questions but I dont know if it is something I should talk to my doctor about or not.

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haha thank you both!!! this really helped!! @ethans_momma18. @rosalinasmami
09.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
the cramps is most likely your uterus stretching. unless it's unbearable, there's no need to call your doc.But you can always ask you be safe. and your sudden burst in sex drive, totally normal! some women don't even have one! your body is going to go through a lot of change, some wierd, some painful, and annoying! lol
09.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
The sex thing is completely normal! When I was pregnant I either really wanted it or didn't want my husband near me. I would call your doctor just to be safe about the cramps. Even though it could just be your uterus expanding its always better to call your doctor. You don't want anything to happen to your precious baby!
09.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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