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I got a positive on a clearblue digital test (with 1-2 weeks indication) at 2 am, then went to the doctor to confirm at 11 am and they got a negative. Took these at 6:30 pm (same day) and next morning at 9 am. I have PCOS and have been trying for a year, so I don't want to get my hopes up. I've gotten false negatives before with my wacky hormones, but never on a digital and never with it getting darker like this. DOES the second test look darker? I would have conceived May 26 or 28.

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looks like positives to me too. i was 2 days pregnant and it didnt show up on blood test so i just waited a month and still had a positive home test when theyd finally confirm my pregnancy some obs are just jokes. i think you should switch too
18.07.2016 Нравится Ответить
Try a test that has pink lines. the blue tests have an evap like that often shows up and could seem like a positive.
10.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
They won't do a blood test until a week from now. 😕 I'm considering switching OBs.
09.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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