Whisper Lewis
Whisper Lewis
I got an ultrasound due to light bleeding today and found out my placenta is aged and the baby's amniotic fluid is low, also that she is only in the 29th percentile in size. I go back Monday for another ultrasound. I'm freaking out has anyone else experienced this 34 weeks today

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We live about 30 mins away from the doctors but their is an office he doesn't go to next to us so hopefully if we have to go everyday we can go there and have them fax everything. @brooke1396
09.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
Don't be nervous I know it's hard but things wouldn't change that much from a few days. I think it all depends on your doctor. I lived 45 min from my doctor and the hospital. Some doctors may just have you come in to there office everyday if your close enough. I also had a chance to go home and get my things together because I knew I would be there untill delivery. @wlewis
09.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
@brooke1396, I'm just nervous and don't want to wait till Monday to find out what's going on. Should I pack a hospital bag just in case?
09.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
I went threw the same thing. But my son was in the 3% for size. The only things they can really do is watch the placenta to make sure there is still good enough blood flow and monitor the baby. My doctor put me in the hospital at 33 weeks. I had daily ultrasounds and the baby was monitored twice a day. Then at 37 weeks I delivered. He said when babies are so small they grow much better on the outside and when the placenta is starting to give out your baby won't grow anymore. He was 4 pounds 11 ounces and spent just a week in the NICU learning to eat. He's now been home about a week and is already over 5 pounds. Hope that helps let me know if you have any more questions.
09.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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