Julie Darr
Julie Darr
New to this app. I am 27 getting married in October. I have pcos diagnosed at 14. cycles are very irregular. Me and df tried to get prego on provera about a year ago but nothing happened. We had to stop due to finances. We are now starting again. I stopped taking birth control (used to regulate cycle) about a month ago. Since that time I have had two full periods in a span of 4 weeks and now I have been spotting for the past three days. Has anyone else had this problem? I look forward to talking to you all.

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I was on the shot for almost two years and when I got off I was horribly sick. I bled so heavily and it wouldn't stop I believe I passed out from the blood loss and almost got sent to the er. thays when I was diagnosed with anemia.
09.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
09.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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