Jennifer Jordan Leslie
When your job has no place for you to pump so they remove the pole and add a bench and lock in the COAT CLOSET. I literally can't. 😡😡😡
7.9 лет

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@karnamarie, this is their clean quiet solution lol. We are at max capacity so there are no spare offices. They are looking to move very soon for that very reason. Their first suggestion was the restroom which is illegal to make me do that. I said hell no.

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@karnamarie, this is their clean quiet solution lol. We are at max capacity so there are no spare offices. They are looking to move very soon for that very reason. Their first suggestion was the restroom which is illegal to make me do that. I said hell no.

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Check your state laws, but I think they have to provide a clean quiet place for that. My friend's work didn't have one and when she started pumping with hers several years ago they converted a decent size room with a chair and side table with a door that locked for her

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