Can anyone tell me if babies can be allergic to breastmilk or just something mom has ate? I've been giving a few bottles of formula a day to see if that helps. He has puked (not just spit up but actual puke where it comes out his mouth and nose) since he was born. Gonna call my dr tomorrow. He doesn't seem to be losing weight. He eats really fast so we have to pace him but he still pukes. ANY advice is appreciated since Thursday and Friday nights he was up every 30 mins. Before that he was up every few hours. Last night he slept four hours then up for a little but then out for another 4 hours. I have been giving him gas drops and one dose of gripe water yesterday.
I haven't tried any other yet. We are planning to though. He's on Enfamil formula right now. When he threw up did it come out his nose too or just his mouth? @kaylamcclellan
@babyt16, The doctors made me do a diary of what I was eating and pay attention to it and like she said above dairy was a trigger which I wasn't supposed to be having anyways I'm lactose intolerant and nuts and some other things was causing her problems