Moms - Tips to get baby to latch ? My son is shy of 2 days old and I have no milk what so ever ( Im aware it will come since I have a 3 year old ) . I have a little colostrum and baby latched once yesterday for about 7 mins but nothing since . I know he needs to latch to help stimulation and bring milk faster but for now I need tips 😊
my son is a week old and I went through this exact problem. I did skin to skin and tried to latch every 2-3hours. In between I pumped for 15 minutes on each side. I didn't get anything but it got my milk in quicker.
When I had my daughter and I couldn't get her to latch the hospital lactation consultant told me to hold my boob close to the areola and kinda tilt my nipple up a little and touch it to the top of her mouth. that got her to latch and any time I would have an issue with her wanting to latch that's what I did.