for women that have been induced what time did you have to be at the hospital and what was you experience like I'm being induced Saturday at 8:30am.

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I can't remember what time I went in at but they put the pessary in at 11am and I was getting contractions at 11.30am. had my daughter at 4.43am the next morning xxx
02.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
I went in at 10.00 on a Friday and they didn't start inducing me until 2.30pm with the pessary that then stays in for 24 hours it was taken out and then they leave you for 6 hours with nothing in I was then examined and I was 2cm so they said I could go to labour ward to have my waters broken it took them 8 hours to get me to labour ward 😰 they then broke my waters early hours of Monday morning and I gave birth with the help of an epidural as I hadn't slept for getting on for 3 days and I wasn't dilating so needed the hormone drip which makes contractions come really quick and intense and I then was 10cm by 10.15am and started pushing at 11.15 and gave birth at 11.57am on the Monday morning. It was a long process so be patient is all I can say some women go into labour quite quickly after the pessary is put it others like me it takes days! Good luck Hun xx
02.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
my sister had to be in for 10am but they didn't do anything to induce her until the evening x
02.06.2016 Нравится Ответить
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