well my son's father wanted to see him. so I drive out of my way to let him visit. THIS SNEAKY BITCH thought he could keep my son away from me. he told me to call the cops if I wanted him back (he doesn't have custody) so I was walking to his house door to KNOCK and ask for my son back. HE PUSHED ME so I shoved him back and then he slammed the door on my HAND. I was screaming so loud the whole neighborhood came out and called the police. I punched the wall so hard I split my knuckles and got some skin taken off. then since I could do damage to his fucking face I punched my car. cops showed up I explained what happened as SOON AS I SAID HE WAS PHYSICALLY ABUSIVE to me while I was pregnant, the police cut my off of my sentence and went and walked to the house. I got my son back since I am the legal mother. I told the cops all I want is my son, I don't wanna speak to him I don't wanna argue I wanna leave. so they let me go and HE GETS ARRESTED FOR 2 WARRANTS AND ATTEMPTED KIDNAPPING. I'm so thankful he's in jail for 90 days. I'm resetting a restraining order on him after I get my custody papers filed.
Pray that I get sole legal and physical custody of my son. My hubby has s serous identity problem and abuses drugs and alcohol. Think he off his psych meds too. Don't want him to have my son overnight. Not safe. And the girl he having a affair with assaulted someone in PA. She drinks around kids and has foul mouth
Like one commenter said, get a protective order.
He's asking for an ungodly shit storm of he even comes near you after that, much less everything else on his history.
That's exactly how I'd be, my "child's father" isn't allowed around us and he hasn't tried to be anymore, thank god. I didn't put him on birth certificate or anything bc he's the type to pull some shit like this. Glad you and baby are okay!