Jazmon Boose
Jazmon Boose
"you better be circumsizing your baby and getting him his shots, you would be nuts not to do those simple things for your child. no baby deserves to be made fun of for a bad name their parents gave them and penis and have no immunities." this is what my father in law sent to my hubby. my silas does not need to have that pos in his life. even though we are getting our baby his vaccinations I am tempted to tell him we are not. why is my baby's penis any of his damn business too? my husband chose to ignore him because he is a very abusive man but I am having a hard time holding my tongue. my husband is such an amazing dad, I think his dad is jealous that he was such a bad dad.

Лучший комментарий


Omg! Those kind of people dont deserve to be a part of your babies life or yours!! I hate people like tht😡😡
31.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
smh i hate ppl like that.
31.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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