So I had a horrible dream last night. Didn't wanna post about it because I wanted to forget it but I feel like sharing may help? I don't know honestly.. Anyways, last night I had what started off as a WONDERFUL dream. Couldn't have been any better. I had recently found out I was pregnant, got a blood test done from the midwife to confirm it and everything, but then when she did an ultrasound there was no heartbeat. She estimated me to be about 9 weeks based on the size, but still no heartbeat. DH and I were devastated. I started bawling in my sleep so he had to wake me up. Being in his arms made me feel a little better but it seemed so real. The pain in my heart was so genuine. The tears I was shedding were real, the lost that I felt was tremendous. I had a high OPK the morning before but I took a HPT this morning and it showed a faint positive. I've had a miscarriage before (at 19 weeks 3 years ago) and we're ttc a rainbow baby. I felt so confident when I got the high OPK that this month was our month and now I'm really terrified that it is and it won't last. I don't want to lose another child. I'm not sure how to feel about it. Should I just take a month or so off of ttc or am I just overreacting?

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Hey a faint test is still a positive test! (I saw your post with the picture on your page) my first test was faint as well and I'm about to be 15 weeks pregnant with my rainbow as well :) I had horrible dreams like that in the beginning and will still get them from time to time. I wouldn't worry about the dreams Hun 💛
30.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
im sorry about your dream thats terrible it sounds like its just from stress... i wouldnt necessarily just stop trying but i would stop focusing on it for a while and let your nerves and body calm down i would just say whatever happens happens dont time when youre gonna have sex with your SO or do these tests every day i would just have sex when you want and not stress about getting pregnant
30.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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