So I had a horrible dream last night. Didn't wanna post about it because I wanted to forget it but I feel like sharing may help? I don't know honestly.. Anyways, last night I had what started off as a WONDERFUL dream. Couldn't have been any better. I had recently found out I was pregnant, got a blood test done from the midwife to confirm it and everything, but then when she did an ultrasound there was no heartbeat. She estimated me to be about 9 weeks based on the size, but still no heartbeat. DH and I were devastated. I started bawling in my sleep so he had to wake me up. Being in his arms made me feel a little better but it seemed so real. The pain in my heart was so genuine. The tears I was shedding were real, the lost that I felt was tremendous. I had a high OPK the morning before but I took a HPT this morning and it showed a faint positive. I've had a miscarriage before (at 19 weeks 3 years ago) and we're ttc a rainbow baby. I felt so confident when I got the high OPK that this month was our month and now I'm really terrified that it is and it won't last. I don't want to lose another child. I'm not sure how to feel about it. Should I just take a month or so off of ttc or am I just overreacting?