Been in the hospital since yesterday due to my gallbladder and pancreas. Haven't been able to keep anything down since Friday and was told I can't eat or drink until my pancreas levels go down. I broke down and ate/drink a little. They won't do surgery until MAYBE Tuesday (I guess cause it's a holiday weekend but hey I don't want to be here either) They have me on IV fluids and morphine. So frustrated because it's messing with my breast milk production. In 5 hours I was only able to produce 3oz.

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Really? but still even tho they cleared them,I would still be careful. bc morphine is the strongest drug their is, && that doesn't only dry your milk, but it also gets in your milk. && if your still on meds, I wouldn't pump.

Like I can pump, but my milk is dried up && full of medicine. && I had surgery the 1st week of this month.
29.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@Baby_2016, I had my baby here and the birth center is the one that cleared me to breastfeed. I'm still pumping to try to keep what supply I have but I don't give off much. I know there's tea they make that's supposed to help that I was looking to get when I leave here but I have no experience with it to know if it's effective.
29.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
Since your getting morphine , you won't be able to breastfeed! until your done taking meds. bc your gonna be in a lot of pain after surgery! I was gonna breastfeed but then I kept getting IV && morphine, && my milk started to dry up ,&& had to wait 1-2 weeks after taking all my meds. so be careful. if you want to text me, I'll be glad to talk.
29.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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