is it normal for me to have to make like force my self to eat I'm 10 almost 11 weeks and with my other two pregnacys I didn't do this my boyfriend is getting on my nerves with have you at what did you eat and when I eat it makes me feel sick
ur so lucky and with my oldest they induced me at 41weeks where I was so sick and with my 6 month old I went 42 weeks I was miserable and ppl kept saying oh ir that far u don't look that pregnant ugh I was a cashier and I didn't put up with rude ppl
@emily976, i didnt really believe any of the myths or what not but i just had the strongest feeling since i took the pregnancy test i was having a girl. My bestfriend & his 2 year old also said i was having a girl. ( little kids know!!!)
we can all hope right I'm asking my Dr third if he can do the gender test where they draw ur blood. I am dead set on havering a girl and the heartbeat was 136 last time
I found out at 6 weeks I was feeling really bad couldn't go to the bathroom , so I went to the hospital and they told me I was pregnant. && that whole time I had been trying to poop her out 😂😂😂
I was nauseated when pregnant with my first till 15 weeks then all of a sudden it was good and never came back! My second and third are totally different!!
From a few weeks after conception til about 15 weeks i had horrible morning sickness i had to lay in bed for at least an hour before getting up.. & i could only fruit & crackers til well into my second trimester. I had girl! Could be pink in your future 😁 i see you have two boys already