Emily Constable
Emily Constable
phoebe is putting on too much weight, but has a healthy diet. went to get her weighed today and she's above the line now. saw the health visitor and she said its not right she's putting on so much weight when her diet is fine. she's sending me a food diary and will be checked in a week or twos time, and if her diet is ok and she's still putting on to much weight, the hv is gonna refer her to a dietician. have any of you been through this with your baby's. don't no what to expect

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possibly. .but remain positive babe..stick to ur food diary as suggested..ur doing d best u can..lots of love to ur princess. god bless x
27.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
she's 8months now. she might have diabetes which could be a possible cause but until I've done the food diary we won't find out. @purity463
27.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
ive neva experienced this babe..but i wouldn't worry to much at least ur lil gals weight is being monitored n u can adjust her diet if needs be..can I ask how old ur princess is?? my second son was 9lb at birth (im only 4"11n petite build) n I was told he always measured large on the percentiles but his growth kinda slowed dwn once he started crawling etc..
27.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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