@mummy800 That's great hun :) Get some Lanolin cream to put on your nipples inbetween feeds :) You dont have to wash it off either :) its safe for bubs 😚 I used it on day 4 thats when my nipples got sore :) I used it for 2 days and the soreness went :) hasn't returned since :) Have him sucking often to bring your milk in faster hun xxx
Does he have a fair amount of your boob in his mouth? he should have a bit of the area surrounding the nipple in his mouth too. Has he been checked for a tongue tie? This can sometimes make it painful :) Congratulations by the way hun 😘😘😘 xxx
Depends where it's hurting. Your nipples can hurt a fair amount in the first few weeks, when I breastfed my daughter it was really sore for a while but gets better. If your actual breast is sore then I'd get it checked out @mummy800 x